4/5 (9) element 28/50MHz Yagi (5.2m)

Available through WiMo Germany and DX Engineering in the USA - for Direct factory supply, Email us for pricing and time lines.
www.dxengineering.com - www.wimo.com
An Excellent Dual Band Yagi for 28/50MHz with 5.2m boom
The 28-50-9 Dual Band Yagi has a total of 9 elements, 4 elements are used on 28MHz while 5 elements are used on 50MHz. The 28-50-9 InnovAntennas Dual Band Yagi stands aside from the crowd due to the methods used for its design. No traps or coils and no phasing arrangements are used within this antenna and there is no need for 'compromise' spacing between elements as the antenna has a set of correctly spaced elements for either band but still deploys only one 50 Ohm feed point. An excellent antenna with great SWR bandwidth and performance in one package.
The 9el 28/50 @ K0AP
Gain on 28MHz: 8.91dBi @ 28.400MHz
F/B on 28MHz: 16.34dB @ 28.400MHz
Gain on 28MHz at 10m above Ground: 14.02dBi
Gain on 50MHz: 10.61dBi @ 50.150MHz
F/B on 50MHz: 13.57dB @ 50.150MHz
Gain on 50MHz at 10m above Ground: 16.07dBi
Power Rating: 5kw
SWR 28MHz: Below 1.1:1 from 28.00MHz to 28.600MHz
SWR 50MHz: Below 1.1:1 from 50.000MHz to 50.500MHz
Boom Length: 5.2m
Weight: 9.93Kg / 21.89LB
Turning Radius: 3.466m / 11.37ft
Wind Loading: 0.33 Square Metres / 3.53 Square feet
Wind Survival: 160KPH+ / 100MPH+
Customer comments:
"Hi Justin,
the SWR can't be better.
On 10m, it's flat from 28.000 to 29.250. Than it starts to rise and it's about 1:1.5 on 29.500.
On 6m, it's flat from 50.000 to 50.400. Than it starts to rise and it's about 1:1.5 on 50.500, 2:1 on 50.600.
Please let me know if you need some additional info. I will give you an update after the CQ WW SSB contest.
73 Dragan KØAP"
And after the first Contest with it October 2023:
"Hi Justin,
considering the band conditions, I did pretty well in the contest. I was QRV on 10m only and made about 700 QSO's with 119 DXCC and 33 zones. I am very happy with the antenna performance. There was long-haul DX I could not hear with my HEX at all, but when I switched to the 4el, the signals just popped out from the noise. I had 4-5 OM's from the Kansas City DX Club who helped me to put the antenna up and they are all impressed by the build quality.
My buddy Z35T who I tested the antenna with, says that the difference between the HEX and the 4el is 2-3 S units, in favor of the 4el of course. What can I say, I am a very happy camper. 6m hasn't opened here so could not test it on the magic band. But once I do, will let you know my thoughts about the 6m performance.
I will leave a Google review. I also plan to leave a review on eHAM.net. You totally deserve it.
73 Dragan KØAP"
This antenna deploys elements tapering from 5/8 inch (15.88mm) to 3/8 inch (9.525mm) for 28MHz with elements starting at 1/2 inch (12.7mm) tapering through 3/8 inch (9.525mm) for 50MHz . The antenna has fully insulated elements which will ensure continuous, high performance for many years to come. Boom to mast brackets are included with all antennas which will support 2 inch (50mm) masts. Boom is 1.5 inch square 16SWG aluminum and a Kevlar boom guy is supplied along with Stainless Steel turnbuckles for adjustment.
Our antennas are constructed with the best quality materials in order that the best mechanical construction can be achieved, not the cheapest and most profitable! Even a digital caliper is used to measure the elements during production to help ensure the best possible results when installed.
Note: Much development time has gone into our antennas, not just on basic electromagnetic design, we are able to model the effect of insulators, booms and other objects to ensure the make-up of our antennas has least effect on performance and pattern degradation. More information can be found here
- Marine grade Stainless Steel Fittings
- Original Stauff Insulation clamps
- Mill finished boom and elements for highest levels of accuracy
Azimuth Plot 28MHz
Azimuth Plot 50MHz
Elevation Plot 28MHz (10m above ground)
Elevation Plot 50MHz (10m above ground)
The 28-50-9 installed
Manufactured the right way, not the cheapest way!